Holistic Services
Let your Soul do the healing !
NEW! Guidance inspired by the drawings of the wonderful cards of the 13th Oracle, a divinatory tarot game with multiple virtues, promoting both Soul healing and your global empowerment on all levels.
Discover the inspiring virtues of the 13th Oracle, an extraordinary Tarot deck that allows your Soul to reveal not only your future, but the most favorable tools for your evolution and healing in all areas of your life!
This guidance in the form of a “Soul reading” aims to shed new light on the events of your life, both present, past and future. Readings from the 13th Oracle tarot cards are carried out, in person or remotely, under the guidance of your Higher Self, your Divine Essence, luminous and omniscient.
Both the images and the texts are intended to be a support for your subconscious so that it can integrate the information already present in the depths of your Being… which will be transmitted in complete privacy through the cards chosen by your Soul.
This appointment, lasting approximately 30-40 minutes, can be done both at our office or via Internet (on Messenger, WhatsApp, Skype or Zoom). And, to facilitate the integration of the messages received, the conversation is recorded in audio mode and sent to you by email as soon as possible after the meeting.
Channeling “Soul to Soul”
An intimate “rendez-vous” with your Divine Self, to unveil the most important messages for you right now and guide you towards a blissful life of spiritual awareness.
The multidimensional being that you are has access to all the wisdom of creation. You no longer have to make any effort, to fight or to work hard, for everything is already accomplished by your inner divinity, radiating more each day. This ultimate recognition of the self is the key to open the door of the fifth dimension, allowing you to bathe in a perpetual state of grace: the joy of your Quintessence.
Everything your cellular memory has recorded throughout the ages is available to you from within. You simply have to ask for it with confidence, so that it will be revealed to you for your own benefit and wellness. If you need help to get in touch with this wonderful light inside of you, Diane can “channel” the voice of your soul, so that you can share with the highest part of yourself all the questions and concerns that worry you regarding your current circumstances.
This powerful “interactive” accompaniment helps to effectively untie the emotional, energetic or karmic blockages that affect you, while promoting the unconditional acceptance of WHO you really are!

Channeling “Soul to Soul”
An intimate “rendez-vous” with your Divine Self, to unveil the most important messages for you right now and guide you towards a blissful life of spiritual awareness.
The multidimensional being that you are has access to all the wisdom of creation. You no longer have to make any effort, to fight or to work hard, for everything is already accomplished by your inner divinity, radiating more each day. This ultimate recognition of the self is the key to open the door of the fifth dimension, allowing you to bathe in a perpetual state of grace: the joy of your Quintessence.
Everything your cellular memory has recorded throughout the ages is available to you from within. You simply have to ask for it with confidence, so that it will be revealed to you for your own benefit and wellness. If you need help to get in touch with this wonderful light inside of you, Diane can “channel” the voice of your soul, so that you can share with the highest part of yourself all the questions and concerns that worry you regarding your current circumstances.
This powerful “interactive” accompaniment helps to effectively untie the emotional, energetic or karmic blockages that affect you, while promoting the unconditional acceptance of WHO you really are!
Commonly called “Aura Reading”, this exclusive service is an in-depth analysis of your personality and the colors of your energetic field.
Did you ever compare your life to a puzzle? At one point you may have had several pieces of “puzzle” in your hand that seem to go together but yet cannot properly assemble them to makes sense. Do you go through timeshaving the impression of re-living the same ambiguous situations or making the same mistakes repeatedly, without being able to change anything? Perhaps you simply lack perspective… Diane’s Psycho-Energetic Assessment is the perfect tool to help you put the pieces of your inner puzzle together and finally understand WHO you really are!
Internationally renowned coach, specializing in holistic health and energetic medicine, Diane has developed over twenty years a unique technique of remote perception of the “sensory data” emitted by your energetic bodies (physical, emotional, mental, causal, supra-causal and beyond). During the first hour, she remotly records all this information in an illustrated 8-page document which includes graphics highlighting your different strenghts and / or the energy blockages present.
Then, a second appointment is scheduled in person, so Diane can share those discoveries with you, both in terms of your personality, your moods, your ways of thinking and your degree of openness and spiritual consciousness. Each of the chakras is then described in detail to reflect the challenges that you have had to overcome during your existence, as well as the learnings that are currently presented to you. Added to this is an intuitive energy harmonization to promote the conscious integration of this data into your cellular memory, as well as allowing time to answer the questions that have risen during the process.

Commonly called “Aura Reading”, this exclusive service is an in-depth analysis of your personality and the colors of your energetic field.
Did you ever compare your life to a puzzle? At one point you may have had several pieces of “puzzle” in your hand that seem to go together but yet cannot properly assemble them to makes sense. Do you go through timeshaving the impression of re-living the same ambiguous situations or making the same mistakes repeatedly, without being able to change anything? Perhaps you simply lack perspective… Diane’s Psycho-Energetic Assessment is the perfect tool to help you put the pieces of your inner puzzle together and finally understand who you really are …
Internationally renowned coach, specializing in holistic health and energetic medicine, Diane has developed over twenty years a unique technique of remote perception of the “sensory data” emitted by your energetic bodies (physical, emotional, mental, causal, supra-causal and beyond). During the first hour, she records all this information in an illustrated 8-page document which includes graphics highlighting your different strenghts and / or the energy blockages present.
Then, a second appointment is scheduled during which Diane will share those discoveries with you, both in terms of your personality, your moods, your ways of thinking and your degree of openness and spiritual consciousness. Each of the chakras is then described in detail to reflect the challenges that you have had to overcome during your existence, as well as the learnings that are currently presented to you. Added to this is an intuitive energy harmonization to promote the conscious integration of this data into your cellular memory, as well as allowing time to answer the questions that have risen during the process.
Reconnection with your Soul Family
Through our ruling chakra, we can feel the reassuring presence of those who love us the most, our Soul Family, the ones who constantly whisper in our ears, “Go on, you can do it. We are here, and we believe in you.”
Your soul family is made up of your guardian angels and your guides, as well as all those on Earth who are on the same vibrations as you. This family also includes some of the ascended masters who, in certain specific circumstances, will choose to work from a specific soul family. Long before your incarnation, the choice of your soul family is made according to the areas in which you most need to be secured.
Before incarnating, all of us already possess broad knowledge, skills, and wisdom that we aspire to transmit around us in the best way possible. Often we have a small amount of worry that we will fail at this and as a result we associate with the soul family that will allow us to consolidate our inner flaws, enabling us to move forward.
Our ruling chakra is our best way to connect to our soul family. This connection allows us to rebalance and reinforce the parts of ourselves that feel fragile or that wonder whether they will succeed in accomplishing their individual as well as collective destiny. Since we are each unique, the ruling chakra could be any one of the seven energy centers of our body…
If you believe that you need help to activate your ruling chakra, Diane can individually assist you in a live internet session or in person. This energetic activation session takes about 50-60 minutes, during which you’ll learn a little bit more about your incarnation’s contract and the unique way you can divinely contribute to make this world a better place, for yourself and others.

Reconnection with your Soul Family
Through our ruling chakra, we can feel the reassuring presence of those who love us the most, our soul family, the ones who constantly whisper in our ears, “Go on, you can do it. We are here, and we believe in you.”
Your soul family is made up of your guardian angels and your guides, as well as all those on Earth who are on the same vibrations as you. This family also includes some of the ascended masters who, in certain specific circumstances, will choose to work from a specific soul family. Long before your incarnation, the choice of your soul family is made according to the areas in which you most need to be secured.
Before incarnating, all of us already possess broad knowledge, skills, and wisdom that we aspire to transmit around us in the best way possible. Often we have a small amount of worry that we will fail at this and as a result we associate with the soul family that will allow us to consolidate our inner flaws, enabling us to move forward.
Our ruling chakra is our best way to connect to our soul family. This connection allows us to rebalance and reinforce the parts of ourselves that feel fragile or that wonder whether they will succeed in accomplishing their individual as well as collective destiny. Since we are each unique, the ruling chakra could be any one of the seven energy centers of our body…
If you believe that you need help to activate your ruling chakra, Diane can individually assist you in a live internet session or in person. This energetic activation session takes about 50-60 minutes, during which you’ll learn a little bit more about your incarnation’s contract and the unique way you can divinely contribute to make this world a better place, for yourself and others.
Quantum Healing Activation
Resetting the original Matrix and awakening the Galactic Chakras within yourself, to transcend human duality and activate your Co-Creative Divine Power in 5D.
What if, to “be the change that we all wish for in the world”, the most important thing to do was to awaken to our true inner potential: Divine, eternal, and unlimited? Would it be possible that during the course of our lives, our tridimensional “density” had been charged with false beliefs, wounds and other “weights” that would need to be alleviated and purified in order to regain access to our universal and intrinsic materialization Power?
Because all is a matter of “vibration”, it becomes essential to learn how to constantly recenter and transform our look over the “illusory” reality around us, to be able to raise our individual frequencies, to awake to our fabulous Co-Creative potential, and to integrate within ourselves the Divine Consciousness that contribute to the Connection with the Superior Dimensions.
Everything is already there, deep down us. It’s only a matter of opening some tiny doors inside of us, the Galactic chakras, connecting us to WHO WE REALLY ARE an allowing us to open the Gates to multiple other dimensions, full of mystical Creatures and Luminous Entities.
If you wish to retrieve Peace in yourself, to unify your Divine and human parts in harmony, and to vibrate in a perpetual State of Grace inherent to the Fifth Dimension and beyond, you will love Diane’s initiatory approach and the highly vibrating energies introduced through this Energetic Quantum Initiation.

Quantum Healing Activation
Resetting the original Matrix and awakening the Galactic Chakras within yourself, to transcend human duality and activate your Co-Creative Divine Power in 5D.
What if, to “be the change that we all wish for in the world”, the most important thing to do was to awaken to our true inner potential: Divine, eternal, and unlimited? Would it be possible that during the course of our lives, our tridimensional “density” had been charged with false beliefs, wounds and other “weights” that would need to be alleviated and purified in order to regain access to our universal and intrinsic materialization Power?
Because all is a matter of “vibration”, it becomes essential to learn how to constantly recenter and transform our look over the “illusory” reality around us, to be able to raise our individual frequencies, to awake to our fabulous Co-Creative potential, and to integrate within ourselves the Divine Consciousness that contribute to the Connection with the Superior Dimensions.
Everything is already there, deep down us. It’s only a matter of opening some tiny doors inside of us, the Galactic chakras, connecting us to WHO WE REALLY ARE an allowing us to open the Gates to multiple other dimensions, full of mystical Creatures and Luminous Entities.
If you wish to retrieve Peace in yourself, to unify your Divine and human parts in harmony, and to vibrate in a perpetual State of Grace inherent to the Fifth Dimension and beyond, you will love the initiatory approach and the highly vibrating energies introduced through this Energetic Quantum Initiation.
Holistic Approach in Naturotherapy
If you believe that pain, symptoms, and diseases are created from within, then you can also heal yourself by listening to the message that your Soul is trying to send you, and by giving your body what he really needs to be healthy and vibrant.
This Holistic session is based on the pure fundamentals of BioGenesis and PsychoSynthesis, Naturopathic sciences that study the relations between our emotions, state of mind, core beliefs and their influence on our health.
Diane uses her “channeling gift” to “scan” your energy field in order to feel where the energy is blocked and why. Then, she gets in touch with your Soul, your inner Light, to perceive what are the easiest and most effective changes you can make inside of you and through your daily routine (food, supplements, essentials oils, habits and more), in order to get better quickly.
Experience from within the cellular integration of your own powerful Energy of transmutation, with the help of your inner wisdom, some practical exercises and a few informed decisions that you can make to improve your health on every levels (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).

Holistic Approach in Naturotherapy
If you believe that pain, symptoms, and diseases are created from within, then you can also heal yourself by listening to the message that your Soul is trying to send you, and by giving your body what he really needs to be healthy and vibrant.
This Holistic session is based on the pure fundamentals of BioGenesis and PsychoSynthesis, Naturopathic sciences that study the relations between our emotions, state of mind, core beliefs and their influence on our health.
Diane uses her “channeling gift” to “scan” your energy field in order to feel where the energy is blocked and why. Then, she gets in touch with your Soul, your inner Light, to perceive what are the easiest and most effective changes you can make inside of you and through your daily routine (food, supplements, essentials oils, habits and more), in order to get better quickly.
Experience from within the cellular integration of your own powerful Energy of transmutation, with the help of your inner wisdom, some practical exercises and a few informed decisions that you can make to improve your health on every levels (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).
Are you aspiring to build a sane, fulfilling and loving relationship with yourself and others? Are you experiencing some difficulties in your current union and are seeking advice and/or solutions to make it work? Do you wish to live more and more in a sacred Soul to Soul communion, imbued with sensuality, sexuality, and spirituality?
What if the only thing you need to do was to fully open yourself to the other… and accept to receive the best that he/she has to offer?
Diane & Serge have been forming a very united couple and evolving together for 35 years. Through time, each of them realized they didn’t want to just be “the other half”, but to feel whole and aligned within themselves. Therefore, they created the “Quintessence Coaching Method” to make sure they would integrate in their own life the right tools to maintain love and harmony within themselves and together.
For the last 15 years, not only they’ve been accompanying and coaching thousands of people, but they also trained other coaches and therapists how to resolve the active and/or unconscious conflicts that undermine interpersonal relationships, specifically by rebalancing the Masculine (giving) and Feminine (receiving) Energies within ourselves as well as in the different dimensions present in our life (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).
If you wish to rediscover the couple’s sacred meaning, by learning to fully acknowledge and love yourself for who you really are, give us a call!

Are you aspiring to build a sane, fulfilling and loving relationship with yourself and others? Are you experiencing some difficulties in your current union and are seeking advice and/or solutions to make it work? Do you wish to live more and more in a sacred Soul to Soul communion, imbued with sensuality, sexuality, and spirituality?
What if the only thing you need to do was to fully open yourself to the other… and accept to receive the best that he/she has to offer?
Diane & Serge have been forming a very united couple and evolving together for 35 years. Through time, each of them realized they didn’t want to just be “the other half”, but to feel whole and aligned within themselves. Therefore, they created the “Quintessence Coaching Method” to make sure they would integrate in their own life the right tools to maintain love and harmony within themselves and together.
For the last 15 years, not only they’ve been accompanying and coaching thousands of people, but they also trained other coaches and therapists how to resolve the active and/or unconscious conflicts that undermine interpersonal relationships, specifically by rebalancing the Masculine (giving) and Feminine (receiving) Energies within ourselves as well as in the different dimensions present in our life (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).
If you wish to rediscover the couple’s sacred meaning, by learning to fully acknowledge and love yourself for who you really are, give us a call!
If you dream of understanding your animals’ needs better, their feelings toward you and/or what is their purpose in your life, Diane can communicate with any species or breed, at any age, or even across the veil after your pet has passed.
Perhaps you have wondered how your pets are doing and if they need anything is to feel happy, healthy, and peaceful. Or you might need to tell them and make them understand something important (such as informing them of an upcoming move, expecting a child or welcoming another pet in the house)? Diane can communicate with your animals, either in person or remotely using photos, to bring you the answers and/or to let your pet know of approaching events.
If your pet seems in distress, sick or injured and you would like to know more about what is causing this unfortunate situation, as a certified naturopath Diane can perform some “holistic health assessment”, including a 30-minute intuitive communication for you to ask your questions about your animal AND a 30-minutes energy healing treatment to help your pet recover, according to the information she receives from them.
But the type of “whispering” Diane most prefers is the “Animal Soul Family and Life Mission” session, during which she explains to you why you chose each other and what your pet wants to bring to you to help you grow and flourish. She also reveals their “true nature”, the color and the specificities of their soul, that might have a significant influence over your actual relationship or even from beyond after they have passed.

If you dream of understanding your animals’ needs better, their feelings toward you and/or what is their purpose in your life, Diane can communicate with any species or breed, at any age, or even across the veil after your pet has passed.
Perhaps you have wondered how your pet is doing and if anything is needed by them to feel happy or you might need to tell them something important (such as informing them of an upcoming move, expecting a child or welcoming another pet in the house)? Diane communicates with your animal, either in person or remotely using photos, to bring you the answers and/or to let your pet know of approaching events.
If your pet seems in distress, sick or injured and you would like to know more about what is causing this unfortunate situation, Diane can also do “emergency consultations” including a 30-minute communication for you to ask your questions AND a 30-minutes energy healing session to help your pet recover, according to the information she receives from them.
The type of “whispering” she most prefers is the “Animal Soul Family and Life Mission” session, during which Diane explains to you why you chose each other and what your pet wants to bring to you to help you grow and flourish. She also reveals their “true nature”, the color and the specificities of their Soul, that might have a significant influence over your relationship.
Exclusively for your own benefit, a live creation of a unique musical energetic tune by connecting to your Soul and personal Energy in order to bring peace, healing and balance into your whole Being.
Does the music speak to you, move you to the point of sometimes making you shed a few tears? What if there is a melody somewhere that speaks only to you?
The reputation of music as a therapeutic tool is well established. Thus, several classical works or popular songs carry within them sounds that promote the opening of consciousness, the elevation of our light frequencies or, quite simply, put our hearts in joy.
As a pianist-composer, Serge has used inspirational creation and musical improvisation through numerous workshops and meditations co-hosted with Diane, to help participants establish a better connection within themselves.
During this session of Musical Energetic Harmonization, you will experiment some peaceful moments of relaxation while Serge channels on his piano the music of your Soul… in order to inspire, guide and accompany you on an inner journey toward Divine Illumination.

Exclusively for your own benefit, a live creation of a unique musical energetic tune by connecting to your Soul and personal Energy in order to bring peace, healing and balance into your whole Being.
Does the music speak to you, move you to the point of sometimes making you shed a few tears? What if there is a melody somewhere that speaks only to you?
The reputation of music as a therapeutic tool is well established. Thus, several classical works or popular songs carry within them sounds that promote the opening of consciousness, the elevation of our light frequencies or, quite simply, put our hearts in joy.
As a pianist-composer, Serge has used inspirational creation and musical improvisation through numerous workshops and meditations co-hosted with Diane, to help participants establish a better connection within themselves.
During this session of Musical Energetic Harmonization, you will experiment some peaceful moments of relaxation while Serge channels on his piano the music of your Soul… in order to inspire, guide and accompany you on an inner journey toward Divine Illumination.